Sunday, October 17, 2010

So far so good!

Sorry it's been a few weeks since I last posted, I need to make this more of a habit! Today I am 25 weeks along, & things are still going really well! Our little girl is growing perfectly to the day of our due date. She is becoming more & more active kicking & rolling. In the last few days I have been feeling her hiccup... all these movements are an amazing feeling & reassuring! Although I won't lie, it can be a tad bit annoying in the middle of the night when you want to sleep. I know I all are thinking just wait til she's born, she'll keep you up even more. :) Trust me I know life as we know it is going to change, & I feel we are as prepared as we can be. We are ready to tackle every little challenge of parenthood!

Last time I posted I talked about my doctor wanting to do a glucose test because there appeared to be a little extra fluid around the baby. The test came back fine- negative for gestational diabetes. Then I went for another sonogram at 21 weeks & the amount of fluid looked good. My pulmonary doctor was very pleased with my lung function when I visited him at 21 weeks also. And so far I have been breathing fine & experiencing absolutely no shortness of breath! We are hoping because of my scoliosis & me carrying the baby off to my left side that the baby will stay away from my lungs enough that I will not need the assistance of a CPAP breathing machine. We are keeping our fingers crossed!! We are scheduled to see the pulmonary specialist & get another sonogram October 28th. I will post after to fill you in.

Next weekend we are having our first baby shower with my in-laws in Nebraska. I'm excited to see the family & to see all the goodies we get! On November 6th my best friend is throwing a shower here in my hometown with my side of the family & friends. I am very blessed for having such a wonderful friend & family. Their support means a lot to us!

As I close this post I have something to announce... Our little girl officially has a name! Koralyn Lyric Gaines. It feels good to be able to call her something other than "The Baby" or "Baby Gaines"

Thank you again for taking the time to read my blog & for joining in my adventure to motherhood! Until next time...